The "pressure columns" model ©

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Finet & Williame Osteopathy Teaching Team

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Georges Finet D.O.
Christian Williame D.O.

Since 1985, we conduct a variety of research in osteopathy, among others, in the field of visceral

The results of the first statistical study (1985) based on RX and ultrasound documents have shown an organized and repetitive visceral dynamics. This effectively means that, in humans, the abdominal viscera show a clear tendancy to move, in physiological conditions, in a specific and similar way under the influence of the increasing abdominal pressure generated by diaphragmatic breathing. A second statistical study on the basis of RX documents has shown that this visceral dynamics can be modified in the context of abdominal complaints (stomach pain,reflux), and this seems to correspond to specific visceral dynamics shifts.

A third study has allowed us to develop a pressive inter visceral model : under diaphragmatic breathing, significant statistical correlations appear between some of the visceral dynamics parameters and lead to vertical and crossed« columns of (abdominal) pressure ».
In an fourth Evidence-based Medicine approach, a qualitative meta-analysis of diaphragmatic function was then completed. Several hundreds of studies have been synthesized, allowing, to a certain extent, understanding the respiratory and postural functions and dysfunctions of the diaphragm and how and why these columns of pressure may develop.
These works will allow to build a science-based methodology supporting the osteopathic biomechaniics holistic approach and incorporating the osteopathic visceral treatment as well.
Of note, recent work has highlighted the concept of "visceral slide" opening to" a space of discussion with the medical world ".
We propose a new visceral normalization program based on this physiological dynamics and its dysfunctions, on the visco-elastic properties of the tissues and integrated in the « pressure columns » model.
Another qualitative meta - analysis of the uro-genital function and mechanical dysfunction integrated in the « pressure columns » model has led  to develop a program of uro-genital external normalizations.
Also, highlighting the interdependance  between abdominal ,thoracic and cranial pressures, the « pressure columns » model enables to  make the link with the cranial field leading to a functional and dysfunctional multicompartimental model.
Finally, this " pressure columns " model is in close connection with recent researches about  anticipatory postural adjustments, the  posturo – kinetic capacity,  postural asymmetry, variability concept, leading to new practical applications.